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  Custom Knives 手工名刃 -> Mad Dog 疯狗
[ 商品编号:1579]
Mad Dog 疯狗  Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2012年度海豹军狗 VVTL烧刃 全球限量2支 经典战术直刃
Mad Dog 疯狗 Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2012年度海豹军狗 VVTL烧刃 全球限量2支 经典战术直刃
商品品牌: Mad Dog 疯狗
简单描述: Mad Dog 疯狗 Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2012年度海豹军狗 VVTL烧刃 全球限量2支 经典战术直刃 
剩余数量: 0 
会员价: 0.00
购买数量:  支
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类 型: 直刃
型 号: Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 
全 长: 303mm
刃 长: 178mm
刃 材: Starrett 496-01 高碳工具钢
硬 度: 62HRC
表 面:涂层+GTL烧刃
刃 厚: 6.35mm
柄 材: 玻璃纤维与环氧基树脂合成材料重量
重 量: 354g
原产地: 美国

The Mad Dog® Knives SEAL ATAK is an icon in Mad Dog® Knives history, it is probably the most sought after Mad Dog® knife in the world. It was the beginning of an amazing journey not only for Mad Dog® Knives, but for many others as well. For those who are lucky enough to own one, they remain the cornerstone of our collections. Every year starting in 2011 an extremely limited number of Mad Dog SEAL ATAK’s will be produced (4 knives in 2011 & 4 knives for 2012). Appearances and markings will vary from year to year.

This year (2012) marks the 20th Anniversary of the Mad Dog® Knives SEAL ATAK. For the most part, Mad Dog has been very disciplined in keeping to the original proven SEAL ATAK design over the last 20 years, only making very subtle and minor refinements to the original design. When a change has been made, it has always been for improved strength and better efficiency, no exceptions. Over the past couple of years, Mad Dog has developed a more ergonomic, stronger and snag free choil design named the “Type 3″ choil. These are the very first Mad Dog® SEAL ATAK’s with the Type 3 choil. This year 4 total knives were produced, 2 knives with GTL (Glowing Temper Line) blade finishes and the other 2 knives with mirror polished finishes. The Mad Dog 2012 SEAL ATAK features include Type 3 choils, false edges, file work, custom etching, ATAK & Slip sheaths. For 2012 the blades were hand signed “Mad Dog” in the ricasso area and deeply etched “SEAL ATAK” “2012″ in the field of the blade. In honor of tradition, the back side of the ATAK sheaths were hand signed “Mad Dog” “2012″ “ATAK”. The Mad Dog 2012 SEAL ATAK’s were painstakingly hand finished to the highest degree humanly possible…They are quite simply incredible and are an excellent representation of Mad Dog’s evolved ability.

Quote from Mad Dog about the 20th Anniversary 2012 SEAL ATAK’s:

“I can say without reservation that these are the most perfect ATAKs that I have ever made. Whomsoever obtains them will have my very best efforts in their collection. For me, the SEAL ATAK is the “Ur Quel” of my basic design ethos, and the ATAK is the hub of the wheel from whence all other designs have flowed along the spokes of various degrees of specialization over the last 20 years. That says a lot about it, but also know that these particular ATAKs have a special meaning for me. They are the examples selected to be the 20th Anniversary ATAKs, and there are only four of them on the entire planet. These 2012 SEAL ATAKs are the best of my best…. and I dare say that’s pretty damned good!”

ATAK 系列成员包括:ATAK、加上后锯齿的 ATAK2、全部锯齿的 DSU2,以及拥有 5.5 英寸假刃 (False edge) 的 ATAK Thing,还有与 ATAK Thing 同样刃型但沒加假刃的 ATAK Hunter。
Mad Dog ATAK 疯狗——高级战术突击刃   除了完美之外,实在难以找到另一个词汇来形容Mad Dog Knives刃具。而ATAK更可说是Mad Dog Knives的成名刃。在1992年由西岸海豹部队所做的残酷测试中,ATAK是唯一一把通过测试的刃,测试的内容包括将刃夹在两片木片中,由体重约100公斤的海豹队员握住刃柄来做引体向上的动作,结果ATAK毫发无伤。ATAK是顶级藏家的选择,由于收藏者众,所以千金难求。


Mad Dog 刃具使用 Starrett 496-01 高碳工具钢,经过非常专业的淬水-挤压-回火热处理流程,使每片刃刃达到理想的层变硬度:刃锋硬度为HRC62-63,具有非常出色的刃锋保持性;而刃尖、刃脊和柄芯的硬度则在HRC50-54,保持良好的弹性,防止刃尖折断,并且增强了刃刃的韧性。除此之外,所有的刃刃都经过电镀处理,加上厚厚一层坚硬的铬合金,具有很强的抗腐蚀和磨损能力。
Mad Dog刃具的手柄都经过人体功能学设计,形状独特,把握极其舒适称手。它的食指凹槽让使用者即使看不见也能凭手感找到握刃的位置。手柄材料是一种不公开的黑色环氧玻璃,可承受极高压力和高温,这种材料可以轻易地承受 .45口径枪子弹的冲击,而且几乎不被化学溶剂腐蚀。全隐藏式柄芯,确保使用者在工作时不会触电。

[MDK在同用途的刃具之中的售价偏高,但那是因为MDK都是手工刃。在市场中也有性能上与其相差不远的刃,但是仔细比较,MDK多了别人所没有的细腻与质感。而且由于收藏者众,所以常常千金难求。所以如果有足够的预算,相信MDK 将会是喜欢性能与质感兼具的好刃的藏家最好的选择。

Mad Dog 疯狗 VooDoo Frog 巫毒蛙 VVTL烧刃 SJMD小快乐疯狗标 棕/黑双色柄 经典战术直刀(现货)
Mad Dog 疯狗 VooDoo Frog 巫毒蛙 VVTL烧刃 SJMD小快乐疯狗标 棕/黑双色柄 经典战术直刀(现货)
Mad Dog 疯狗 ATAK Blcssing VVTL烧刃 祝福 特别定制版红柄 福狗 全球限量10支 典藏版战术直刀(现货)
Mad Dog 疯狗 ATAK Blcssing VVTL烧刃 祝福 特别定制版红柄 福狗 全球限量10支 典藏版战术直刀(现货)
Mad Dog 疯狗  Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2013年度海豹军狗 镜面 全球限量3支 经典战术直刃
Mad Dog 疯狗 Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2013年度海豹军狗 镜面 全球限量3支 经典战术直刃
Mad Dog 疯狗  Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2013年度海豹军狗 GTL烧刃 全球限量3支 经典战术直刃
Mad Dog 疯狗 Limited Edition SEAL ATAK 2013年度海豹军狗 GTL烧刃 全球限量3支 经典战术直刃

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